How to remove realplayer plugin from firefox
How to remove realplayer plugin from firefox

how to remove realplayer plugin from firefox

Then if it is strictly a "trademark" problem why not just get rid of all references to "Mozilla Firefox" and find/replace it to something/anything else and then you/we/anyone can do whatever we want with it?!įirefox is Open source is it not? How is this any different than what SRWARE IRON did with Chrome?! They stripped everything Google related out of it (and all the privacy issues) and then just did whatever.

how to remove realplayer plugin from firefox

Or maybe use Google Chrome's browser for dummies. Otherwise if I want to be spoon feed and my hand held with training wheels I'd just get an ipad instead.

how to remove realplayer plugin from firefox

That is the whole point of open source, the whole point of a PC. css or whatever to our liking? There are thousands of tutorials out there telling us how to do this. xml, prefs.js, etc files on a default installation (non-portable directly from Mozilla directly to local client) Are you saying Mozilla doesn't allow us to mess around with the about:config or tweak the. What do you mean "None of these changes are permitted by Mozilla"? I want to make my own customized version of Firefox for my own use, how is this any different from changing the. Alright sorry if I'm sounding dumb but I'm asking an honest question because I really don't understand.

How to remove realplayer plugin from firefox